Healthy Snack Options for Your Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs (also known as “cavys”) are enjoyable pets and are rather easy to care for once you know the proper steps in caring for the animal. A cavy’s feeding plan is perhaps one of the most important decision that you will make when initially beginning the caring process. There are trusted brands that can lead you to the perfect feeding plan that includes both nutritional food and snacks. Listed below are healthy snack options for your guinea pig. Will these snacks be a part of your pig’s diet?

· Snacks with vitamin C

Guinea pigs need plenty of vitamin C to stay healthy and beat illnesses such as scurvy. However, much like humans, these animals cannot make their own vitamin C and must take it in through diet. Giving your pet snacks that contain the essential vitamin will help your pet live a healthier life. Fresh veggies such as leafy greens offer the perfect source of vitamin C and must be given to your pet daily. Snack formulated specifically for your animal are available from trusted brands that can guarantee your guinea pig is getting a healthy, nutritious snack.

· Hay

Hay should also be a daily part of your cavy’s diet, think “hay, hay and more hay”. It is full of fiber and helps with your pet’s digestion system. For adult cavies, timothy hay or orchard grass is recommended as it is lower in calories than others grasses. Younger guinea pigs can benefit from richer, more nutrient grasses such as alfalfa. A fresh supply of hay can be given on a daily basis.

· Homemade snack ideas

Feeding your pet human snacks can cause digestion problems and make your him sick. If you want something extra special for your cavy, consider making homemade snacks such as vegetables cubes. A simple puree of healthy vegetables and fruit can be frozen in ice trays to provide a delicious treat. This is the perfect snack during hot summer days!

Listed above are tips for healthy snacks that you cavy will enjoy. Find a trusted brand that offers a full line of food for your pet. From pellets to snacks, what your cavy eats will make all the difference in the health and well-being of the animal. This, combined with fresh hay and vegetable will provide your pet with a one of a kind, healthy diet. Use the tips above to help make wise food decisions for your pet.

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